Thursday, 17 April 2008

creative:space - music concerts for disabled children and their families

Derek performs in these specially designed interactive music events,
which are particularly suitable for children with communication,
learning or sensory integration difficulties and their families.

"My daughter never wants to come out of her buggy, but as soon as we arrived she was willing to get out and sit on the chair. Then we went to the stage to participate more a lot more. This was amazing to see."

Sunday 8th June (2pm-3.15pm)
Sunday 7th December (11.15am-12.30pm & 2pm-3.15pm)

Sunday 22nd June (11.15am-12.30pm & 2pm-3.15pm)

To request a booking form please contact Kate Hodson at Create
020 7374 8485
or download a copy via Create's website (Events Diary).

Monday, 14 April 2008

Upcoming concerts in the South East ...

Sunday 20th April and Sunday 1st June - Derek & the Jazz Katz at the Station Hotel in South Nutfield, Redhill, 8pm - 10pm.

Tuesday 1st July - 'Two in Concert' - Derek and Nick Shaw are performing at the Hawth Theatre in Crawley, at 7.30pm. (Tickets now on sale!

Thursday, 10 April 2008

Upcoming public concerts

Newbury, 16th May
Sevenoaks, 22nd June
Ross-on-Wye, 2nd August
London, 5t October

For more information, please contact Adam Ockelford at

Derek on Yahoo / 60 Minutes!

60 Minutes have an arrangement with Yahoo to put their favourite news clips from recent years up - and it's Derek's turn!

Adam Ockelford